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Our Approach

The Covenant Crèche way: a redemptive approach to instruction, focusing on varying forms of instruction. Our approach is multifaceted. It is unique in that it has three applications in one. The 7 Central Covenantal Concepts are the instructional frameworks that govern The Covenant Creche’s Learning Way of Instructional Habits. Not only does the Covenantal Concepts guide instruction; it, also, completes our process by creating structures for organizing and identifying placement on the Learning Matriculation Ladder. It outlines the steps that each child will walk from and through in the learning process within the Covenant Creche’s Learning Palace.

The Edenic Covenant

  • This is directed for infancy to toddler age.

  • This is beginning exploration and discovery.

  • It is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitation.


The Noahic Covenant

  • This is directed for toddlers to age two.

  • This is where creative learning occurs continuously.

  • This is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitation.

The Abrahamic Covenant

  • This is directed for age two to early pre- school.

  • This is where there will be futuristic multidimensional learning is experienced, continuously.

  • It is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitation.


The Mosaic Covenant

  • This is directed for early preschool to junior preschool.

  • This is where there will be experiential learning will happen continuously.

  • It is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitation.

The Priestly Covenant

  • This is directed for junior preschool to preschool.

  • This is where there will be pioneering learning happening continuously

  • It is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitation.

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The Davidic Covenant

  • This is directed for pre-school to pre-K.

  • This is where there will be trailblazing learning happening continuously.

  • It is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitation.

The New Covenant

  • This is directed for Pre-K to Kindergarten

  • This is where there will be creative learning continuously in preparation for conventional classrooms.

  • It is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitation.

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The Covenant of Signs, Seals, & Wonders

  • This is directed for School age Children

  • This is where there will be exploration and exposure to diverse concepts.

  • It is based upon inventive instructional design methods in curricula and applications of instructional facilitations.

Theo’s Covenants

  • For all ages providing remediation and
    enrichment to all Discoverer’s in integration
    to other covenant concepts. This is offered
    through tutoring and virtual learning services.


Diversity & Inclusion

The Covenant Creche is based upon Biblical based diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, which are essential to the Covenant Creche’s mission of engineering Discoverers of Tomorrow.
We are here to serve all students, faculty, staff, and leadership by making every effort to promote inclusiveness and impartiality throughout our institution and standing against all forms of unbiblical discrimination.

The Covenant Creche’s Office of Equity & Inclusion strives for excellence in supporting these aims:

Upholding Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act while promoting a biblically based perspective regarding the diversity of God’s kingdom as reflected in our Learning Center’s culture.

Maintaining equity and fostering inclusion as accomplished with the foremost goal of glorifying God.

Provide training, support, and community-building opportunities for leadership, faculty, staff, and students utilizing the most up to date content on diversity, equity, and inclusion competencies.

Increasing student engagement and retention, faculty/staff research and publication, leadership awareness and responsiveness, and overall school compliance and safety.


In The Classroom

At the Covenant Creche, teachers are called Learning Architects. Our Learning Architects design an atmosphere that will reproduce creative environments to foster high altitude thinking, learning, growth and development. As part of our mission to cultivate a divinely inviting community, our Learning Architects embodies the triune nurturing approach. Each Learning Architect governs with a multifaceted approach that encourages growth in the child, for the benefit of their mind, body, will, and emotions, creating a safe place for every child to feel safe, represented, and accepted in an inclusive environment that includes:

  • Classrooms are reflective of community representations and of individual mirrored abodes.

  • Experiential Learning continual and consistent daily opportunities to increase Engaging, educational experiences.

In order to ascertain To In order to ascertain our goal and prepare the next generation, The Covenant Creche, will ensure to encompass a rich and full curricula that is reflective of diversity and inclusion as it pertains to the trinity-in me perspective. The curricula reflects on diversity and inclusion from the following three perspectives.

  1. Diversity and Inclusion to me (The Discovering Learner)

  2. Diversity and Inclusion to others (The Discoverer and Others)

  3. Diversity and Inclusion to the world, (The Discoverer and the World)


All curricula endorsed by the Covenant Creche is founded Biblical Principals and Perspectives. This curriculum takes a balanced perspective on various community topics in relation to diversity and inclusion for all people and its republic. The modes of learning will exemplify forms of diversity by reaching students of all learning types by utilizing STEAM, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, oral and other methods of learning to increase the brightness of their future.  

In The Work Place

The Covenant Creche’s vitality and resourcefulness is fostered through the diverse composition of our Learning Architects, Collaborators and all shareholders of responsibilities in being committed in designing the best and brightest learning outcomes for all Discoverer’s that enter the Covenant Creche’s doors. Our governing support system Macedonia Tabernacle Ministries, takes great dignity and delight in cultivating and supporting a Kingdom Climate where heavenly qualities are valued as a fundamental layer of our success to develop success for the next generation. It’s a concept visualized at every level of dominion and instructional domain. The result is a safe, inclusive ecosystem where all shareholders blossom as he or she strives for excellent in all that they may do. As a shareholder of responsibility to the next generation, as one body, one message, one goal is commonly achieved, together we will have a higher impact, ultimately teaching one to reach one more. 

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